Share your thoughts!
Help us understand potential future use options of VHBB land by providing your feedback by 8 December 2024.
Under the Voluntary Home Buy-Back (VHBB) program over 204 homes have been purchased across 16 suburbs in Ipswich. The total land area is more than 500,000 square meters of land. This land will be re-zoned as non-occupied green space and cannot have any structures or infrastructure placed on it in the future that could affect the flood resilience of the site.
Across the Brassall and Karrabin area, 44* properties have been acquired under the VHBB program to date. While the land must remain as green space, council is currently seeking community feedback to understand possible future use options for the land acquired under the VHBB program that will benefit the community.
Thank you to everyone who has shared feedback on a property acquired under the VHBB program or more general feedback for the Brassall and Karrabin area.
The below map shows properties that have been purchased under the Voluntary Home Buy Back (VHBB) program in the Karrabin and Brassall area.
The yellow indicates properties purchased and the green is existing Ipswich City Council owned land. Properties that have been purchased will be re-zoned as non-occupied green space. The numbers represent property numbers.
*Please note, 40 of the 44 properties listed under the Brassall/Karrabin area are a unit complex which is yet to be purchased in its entirety and rehabilitated therefore no feedback is being sought at this time on those properties.