Council undertook research in partnership with Griffith University and the University of the Sunshine Coast to better understand the effect of Urban Heat Islands (UHI) on communities. As part of this project, we sought feedback from the community. The information you provided about the temperature in local areas within Ipswich was considered in steps to reduce heat island effects through urban design and other methods.
As part of the research, we used sensors to capture temperature and humidity data in three locations across Ipswich including;
- Bell Street, Ipswich CBD
- Brisbane Street & Limestone Streets, Ipswich CBD (the Coles block)
- Joy Chambers Circuit, Ripley.
An Urban Heat Island is an urban area that becomes significantly warmer than surrounding areas typically due to human activity that results from having less green cover and more hard surfaces which absorb, store and radiate heat.
We would like to gather the community's thoughts regarding heat and urban heat islands in connection with the architecture and urban design of an area (looks, uses, community life)
We hope to gain a better understanding of:
- how the urban surrounds can contribute to increased or decreased temperatures
- how the cultural setting might impact the future design of cooler areas for the community
Sensor Location Maps
Who's listening
This project has been approved by Griffith University human ethics committee as per:- DGU Ref No:2019/583.
Griffith University conducts research in accordance with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. If potential participants have any concerns or complaints about the ethical conduct of the research project they should contact the Manager, Research Ethics on 37354375 or