Your feedback will help shape Council's strategy and actions including:

  • Sustainability Policy and Sustainability Strategy - to guide us toward a more sustainable Council and City
  • Public programs and events - to enable education and action within our community

You will not be identifiable in any reports we produce from the results of this survey. Please allow 5-10 minutes to complete the survey by 26 January 2020.


You have 255 characters left.

Pick your top 4

  1. Be more energy efficient #
  2. Use more renewable energy like solar #
  3. Take action on climate change #
  4. Better waste management and less waste going to landfill #
  5. Better conservation of water #
  6. Provide sustainable transport options #
  7. Produce and buy local food #
  8. Protect our natural areas and waterways #
Which of these actions do you do in your everyday life

Tick all that apply

What prevents you from being more sustainable in your everyday life

Tick all that apply

Ipswich City Council run a wide range of events throughout the year to help make Ipswich a more sustainable city. Have you heard of:
Sustainable Ipswich Week
Ipswich EnviroForum
Youth Sustainability Summit
Ipswich Enviro Awards
Kids Go Wild
Queens Park Environmental Education Centre
Ipswich Nature Centre
Landholder Partnerships Program


Below are Council's draft sustainability principles to underpin the new Sustainability Policy. How strongly do you agree or disagree with these principles?


Council has a responsibility to safeguard the environment for future generations through our policies, programs and a shared vision that reflects the needs of the community.

Our decisions are long term, holistic and strategic. We make decisions that are of environmental, economic, social and cultural benefit for the community of Ipswich.

Ipswich will utilise resources efficiently, with energy, water and waste key focus areas, and implement best practice measures across operations and programs.

Council commits to procuring products and services that demonstrate environmental credentials; provide value for money; and achieves council’s strategic corporate goals.

Council commits to engaging with our community and stakeholders in meaningful ways to co-create sustainable outcomes for the city.

From generation to generation, Council will ensure all community members have equitable access to resources and environmental experiences now, and into the future.

Through contribution to regional, state, national and global agreements and obligations, we will play our part in supporting the global community in taking action on sustainable development.

Our community lives with a sense of wellbeing, optimism and prosperity through shared values and a common goal to create an inclusive, resilient and sustainable city.

Council will support the community to build capacity and skills for sustainable living by providing education and tools.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.