Project background

Councils in Queensland are responsible for a range of regulatory functions that are administered through various tools such as local laws, planning schemes, and State legislation.

Regulation is often necessary to achieve social, environmental, and economic objectives. The intent of regulation is to protect the health, safety, amenity and environment of the community but council also needs to consider that regulation it isn’t deterring, inhibiting or prohibiting opportunities in the community.

With the need to undertake a comprehensive review of our current local laws comes the opportunity to take a holistic view of regulation and how, as a council and a city, we can truly strive for the community vision of a city of opportunity for all.

Project Timeline

Project Timeline

Estimated timeframes for the project as a whole are as shown in the above image. More detailed timeline breakdowns for step 1 (policy) and step 3 (local laws) can be found further below. Please note these timeframes are subject to change.

How will we do this?

We need to update the current Compliance and Enforcement Policy so it includes council’s overall position on regulation, with a risk-based approach, and not just how we respond to non-compliance.

The updated policy will then guide the review of local laws to ensure we embed that risk-based approach, for example, more effort and paperwork will be required for high-risk activities and less effort and paperwork for low-risk activities.

The Strategic Regulation Project involves 3 key steps:

Step 1 - Policy

Step 1 involves updating our Compliance and Enforcement Policy to be more holistic on what council’s position on regulation is.

Please see below the timeline and stages of how we will do this.


Development of a Strategic Regulation Policy
  • Timeline item 1 - active

    January - May 2025

    Detailed research and analysis are undertaken.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    May 2025

    Targeted community consultation with Community Panel and key interest groups such as Ipswich Youth Advisory Council.

    All community panel members will be consulted, if you would like to have your say in the policy phase of the project, please sign up to the Community Panel by clicking on the link below.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    June - August 2025

    Detailed analysis of consultation findings and further development of draft policy.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    August - September 2025

    Updated policy submitted to committee and council meetings for consideration.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    Late September 2025

    Report back to stakeholders on engagement findings and new approved policy.

Council will be seeking your valuable input at various times throughout the life of the project. If you would like to keep updated on this project, please subscribe at the top of the page. We would also encourage you to join the Community Panel if you would like to be invited to provide feedback on the policy.

As part of Step 1, targeted consultation to inform policy updates is scheduled for May 2025.

This consultation will be undertaken through the Community Panel and with key interest groups such as the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC).

If you wish to be consulted on the policy, please sign up to the community panel using the link below.

As part of Step 3, community wide consultation will take place to inform the creation of a new suite of local laws. This is scheduled to be undertaken in July -September 2025.

A second round of community wide consultation to review the proposed draft laws is estimated to take place in May-August 2026.

Step 2 - Process

Step 2 involves council focusing internally to update our process for making local laws ensuring a more contemporary approach.

No community consultation will be undertaken during Step 2.

Council will be seeking your valuable input at various times throughout the life of the project. If you would like to keep updated on this project, please subscribe at the top of the page. We would also encourage you to join the Community Panel if you would like to be invited to provide feedback on the policy.

As part of Step 1, targeted consultation to inform policy updates is scheduled for May 2025.

This consultation will be undertaken through the Community Panel and with key interest groups such as the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC).

If you wish to be consulted on the policy, please sign up to the community panel using the link below.

As part of Step 3, community wide consultation will take place to inform the creation of a new suite of local laws. This is scheduled to be undertaken in July -September 2025.

A second round of community wide consultation to review the proposed draft laws is estimated to take place in May-August 2026.

Step 3 - Local Laws

Step 3 involves creating a new suite of local laws to replace our existing ones.

Please see below the timeline and stages of how we will do this.


Comprehensive Local Law Review
  • Timeline item 1 - active

    January - July 2025

    Detailed research and analysis are undertaken, along with internal consultation.

  • Timeline item 2 - incomplete

    Late July - Early September 2025

    Whole community consultation undertaken.

  • Timeline item 3 - incomplete

    October 2025 - March 2026

    Detailed drafting instructions developed by project team for external legal contractors to draft laws.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    April 2026

    Report to council with draft laws to commence formal local law-making process.

  • Timeline item 5 - incomplete

    May-August 2026

    Whole community consultation including anti-competitive consultation and state interest checks undertaken.

  • Timeline item 6 - incomplete

    September 2026

    Report to council with consultation outcomes for consideration of final laws with commencement date identified.

  • Timeline item 7 - incomplete

    October 2026

    Gazettal notice published for commencement of laws, Minister notification and council website and registers updated with new laws.

    Loop closed with all stakeholders.

Council will be seeking your valuable input at various times throughout the life of the project. If you would like to keep updated on this project, please subscribe at the top of the page. We would also encourage you to join the Community Panel if you would like to be invited to provide feedback on the policy.

As part of Step 1, targeted consultation to inform policy updates is scheduled for May 2025.

This consultation will be undertaken through the Community Panel and with key interest groups such as the Ipswich Youth Advisory Council (IYAC).

If you wish to be consulted on the policy, please sign up to the community panel using the link below.

As part of Step 3, community wide consultation will take place to inform the creation of a new suite of local laws. This is scheduled to be undertaken in July -September 2025.

A second round of community wide consultation to review the proposed draft laws is estimated to take place in May-August 2026.