A message from Ipswich City Council
Greater Springfield is a unique area under planning legislation. It was first identified by the State Government for large-scale residential development when published as a Development Control Plan in 1997. The Local Government (Springfield Zoning) Act 1997 further cemented the role of the Development Control Plan. Over time, the Springfield Development Control Plan has become known as the Springfield Structure Plan, and forms part of Ipswich’s local planning scheme.
Much of the land identified within the Springfield Structure Plan was previously a plantation forest which had undergone significant clearing. Much of this area has regrown since forestry activities stopped and the original masterplanning commenced.
Under the Springfield Structure Plan, a Precinct Plan and Area Development Plan are both required to be submitted to council for approval before any development occurs within the Springfield area. These development applications are not considered impact assessable under the Springfield Structure Plan. While most developments are generally bound by vegetation clearing regulations (under the Vegetation Management Act 1999) and regulatory koala habitat maps, the Springfield Structure Plan is considered exempt under Part 10 Schedule 10 of the Planning Regulations 1997 and Part 6 Division 1 Section 74 of Vegetation Management Act 1999.
In 2015, council received the first development application for Springview Estate, a staged mixed-use development of approximately 240 hectares bounded between Opossum Creek to the west, O’Dwyers Gully to the east and the Springfield Anglican College – Primary School Campus to the south. This is continuing the development pattern that has been planned for this area for almost 30 years. Village 1 was the first of three stages developed, comprising approximately 29.6 hectares located in the south-eastern corner of the estate. Village 2 and 3 are now being assessed by council for the remaining 150 hectares in the estate.
Planning is in place to
provide for growth in our community including areas for future development identified for housing, as well as locations and uses recognised as suitable for jobs and services.
The above images were taken in 2009 and 2024.
Timeline item 1 - complete
Greater Springfield (including Springview Estate area) reserved for large-scale residential development under the State Government Springfield Development Control Plan.
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The consolidated Ipswich Planning Scheme took effect in January 2006. Part 14 of the Ipswich Planning Scheme outlines the Springfield Structure Plan.
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Orion Springfield Town Centre opened in March 2007.
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An application for approval to clear vegetation for Springview Estate’s first of three villages, Village 1, lodged with the Commonwealth Government under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (1999).
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Village 1 Precinct and Area Development Plans submitted to council as required under the Springfield Structure Plan, including more than 400 homes plus several parks and open spaces.
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Application to clear vegetation for Village 1 approved by the Commonwealth Government.
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Village 1 development proceeds.
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Precinct Plan and Area Development plans for Village 2 and 3 submitted to council, outlining intention for more than 800 residential lots.
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27 June 2023
Revised Precinct Plan for both Village 2 and 3 submitted to council. In parallel, assessment continued on Village 2 and Village 3 Area Development Plan, both submitted to council in 2020.
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27 June 2023 - 11 July 2023
Applications reviewed by council, further information requested from the developer, Stockland.
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11 July 2023 - 28 September 2023
Council’s requests reviewed by Stockland for further information regarding the Precinct Plan and Village 2 Area Development Plan and response provided, including an updated ecological assessment report.
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September 2023 - March 2024
Stockland’s information reviewed by council.
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February 2024
Mayor and Councillors briefed in line with standard practice to inform elected representatives on all development applications council receives and their progress.
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21 March 2024
Precinct Plan for Village 2 and 3 approved by council following extensive assessment and consideration.
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25-26 March 2024
Media release issued and decision published on Ipswich First.
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28 June 2024
Area Development Plan for Village 2 approved by council. Assessment continuing on the Village 3 Area Development Plan application.
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March-April 2025
Assessment on Village 3 Area Development Plan application expected to be finalised.