What you shared

Clear themes were identified through community engagement so far, helping council understand how these road upgrades will best suit the needs of our growing community. A summary of the findings can be seen below.

Key themes

How you shared

Community engagement was undertaken between January and February 2024 through a community survey on Shape Your Ipswich.

The survey used for the engagement can be seen below.

Your impact so far

Thank you to everyone who has provided feedback. As we progress through this project, we will share how your comments have helped influence decisions made for the Ripley Road and Fischer Road Upgrades.

You said

We listened by re-opening comments on this page (see below). This will remain open throughout the project's lifespan. Comments submitted by the community will be reviewed on a regular basis to help inform decision making. We will also be keeping this page up to date with key project updates so you know what is happening and can share your thoughts on it.

For general enquiries, you can reach out to the Stakeholder Engagement Team at 3810 6666 or capitalprojects@ipswich.qld.gov.au

We listened by continuing to build the FAQs section on this project page to help answer popular questions coming through from the community. This means you can stay informed on the project details that are most important to you.

If you can't find your question answered in the FAQs, you can reach out using the comment box on this page, or reach out to the Stakeholder Engagement Team at 3810 6666 or capitalprojects@ipswich.qld.gov.au