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  • Ask Anna

    Have a question about resource recovery, recycling, FOGO, Resource Recovery Centres, or large item kerbside collection?

    Ask your questions here and our expert Anna will get back to you.

Book now for Ipswich's new kerbside collection

What can be put in a FLEXiSKIP?

Here is a list to help you work out what you can can't put in your FLEXiSKIP. Please also keep in mind that items must fit within the 2-cubic-metre bag and cannot exceed 165kg. Learn more here.

  • Soft flooring and mattresses
  • Electronic items (cords, computers)
  • Household appliances including fridges, freezers, washers, dryers and stoves
  • Soft furnishings and large furniture
  • Carpets and rugs
  • Bath and laundry tubs
  • Timber, tiles and bricks
  • Bikes and sporting equipment
  • Wood products
  • Garden organics (lawn clippings, palm fronds, pruning)
  • Mirrors and furniture containing glass
  • Clean dry glass unable to go into yellow-lid recycling bin
  • Construction and demolition material (excluding concrete, bricks and tiles)
  • General household waste and recycling (including food scraps)
  • Batteries or mobile phones
  • Car parts including tyres
  • Hazardous waste (such as gas bottles, asbestos, chemicals and fibro sheets)
  • Liquids, oils, solvents and paints
  • Commercial builders waste and business waste, including window panes

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Resource Recovery Infrastructure Coordinator

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Ipswich City Council respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners, the Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul People of the Yugara/Yagara Language Group, as custodians of the land and waters we share. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, as the keepers of the traditions, customs, cultures and stories of proud peoples.

Phone: (07) 3810 6666


Postal: PO Box 191, Ipswich QLD 4305, Australia