We have 13 displays for you to scroll through. Each has a different theme.

You can give all of them a rating or a comment - or just find the ones important to you!

The 'touch me' display allows you to feel a variety of natural textures.

Touch and feel display
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The 'healthy waterways' information wall shows the importance of the whole catchment

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The 'brochures' display provides information on a wide range of topics

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The 'mural' display allows discovery of the plants and animals native to different habitats found in Ipswich

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The 'sensory box' display encourages you to discover a variety of natural textures

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The 'book corner' has a range of environment-related titles for people to peruse at the centre

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The 'tree nook' display is a cosy, quiet space to read or contemplate

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The 'compost and worm farm' display demonstrates systems that can be used at home

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The 'species' display shows interesting items from local fauna

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The 'waste and sustainability' display gives practical information on energy efficiency and recycling.

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The 'fish tank' display shows the difference between healthy and unhealthy waterways.

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The 'pesky pests' display has information on plants and animals damaging to the local environment

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The 'Traditional Owners' display talks about the connection between indigenous people and the local environment, and some of Ipswich's significant native species.

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