Community engagement and consultation on the draft new planning scheme occurred between 15 May and 16 July 2023.

For a more detailed overview of engagement activities, you can view the New Draft Ipswich Planning Scheme Engagement Outcomes Report.

Where are we now?

Council received 506 submissions on the draft Ipswich Plan 2024 and 35 submissions on the draft Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP).

Council has reviewed the submissions received and prepared a public consultation report. The report summarises the activities and outcomes of public consultation of the draft Ipswich Plan 2024 and draft LGIP. The report outlines matters raised in submissions and how council has responded. The report includes outcomes relating to a proposed ‘planning change’ as identified in the Feasible Alternatives Assessment Report (FAAR).

If you have lodged a submission on the draft Ipswich Plan 2024, draft LGIP or proposed ‘planning change’ (final Feasible Alternatives Assessment Report (FAAR)), you would have received a written notification in March 2024. The written notification will direct you to the Submissions Portal. Once you are in the Submission Portal you can access your personal response by using your unique reference number.

View Table 1– Public Submission Summary: draft Ipswich Plan 2024 (Public Summary) for key issues raised in submissions and a summary of proposed changes to the draft Ipswich Plan 2024 and draft LGIP. This Public Summary includes submissions received on the draft FAAR.

The Public Summary is also available to view and purchase at council’s concierge reception area at 1 Nicholas Street, Ipswich.

The draft Ipswich Plan 2024, including supporting mapping, and draft LGIP have been amended in response to submissions received. The majority of the revisions made are related to clarification improvements, minor updates and minor corrections.

The draft new planning scheme (Ipswich Plan) and draft LGIP is now in the adoption stage of the plan making process having received State Government approval to proceed to adoption, with conditions, on 14 February 2025.

Council officers will now review the Ministerial conditions and prepare an updated draft planning scheme for Council’s consideration to adopt at a future meeting. Further updates will be shared when available.

Draft Ipswich Plan 2024 consultation


Listen to the webinars held during the public consultation period on an overview of the new planning scheme, flooding and biodiversity.

What themes do you value most in your community?

Between December 2022 to May 2023 we asked the community what themes they valued most in their community. These results have now been collated from Phase 1:

Enquiries received during Phase 2 have also been categorised by theme as seen in the below graph:

Preliminary Consultation: 2019

As an early step toward creating a new planning scheme that reflects our community’s vision for Ipswich, Council sought community feedback on the Statement of Proposals (including draft Strategic Framework) in May to June 2019.

The Statement of Proposals and Interactive Mapping presented information about the proposed policy direction and land use strategies and approaches as a basis for seeking early informal input from the community, state government agencies and other stakeholders to guide the next phase of drafting a detailed new planning scheme for Ipswich.

Feedback received during the early Statement of Proposals consultation was considered and adopted by Council and has helped inform the detailed drafting of the new planning scheme. This feedback is outlined in the Consultation Report.

Mapping that was associated with the Statement of Proposals (including the draft Strategic Framework) can be obtained by contacting the City Design Branch on 3810 6666.