Living with flooding is a part of life in Ipswich and as a community we need to be informed, ready and resilient.

We have developed the Ipswich Integrated Catchment Plan as part of our ongoing commitment to understanding and preparing for flood.

This Plan takes a holistic approach, recognising the most effective way of building flood resilience is to integrate the full spectrum of flood risk and catchment planning.

It has looked at factors from community awareness, to evacuation routes; flood resilient home design to city planning and development controls; large scale revegetation to climate change modelling.

We've made sure to listen to the community, by undertaking community engagement through the process. We've ensured the people of Ipswich were involved in the development of our City's plan.

The 6 chapters

The Ipswich Integrated Catchment Plan is based on six 'chapters' of work. Each is connected, and each addresses a different aspect of floodplain management.

IICP chapters