Over the years, Limestone Park has become a popular destination for residents and visitors alike, offering a range of facilities such as:
- AFL, athletics and cricket sporting fields
- Netball courts
- Fitness circuits such as Park Run and cross country
- Walking paths
- Playgrounds
- Picnic areas
- Exercise equipment
- Hospital/Ambulance helipad
- Ipswich and Rosewood Coalminers Memorial
Council is planning several improvements for Limestone Park. These upgrades will make your visit to the park even better.
Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback on the proposed upgrades. Your input has now been collated.
The Capital Works Program 2024-2027 has now been adopted, which includes funding for the upgrades at Limestone Park. See the project timeframes for information on the planned works and when they are scheduled.
What you shared
Engagement was undertaken through a Shape Your Ipswich survey between October and November 2023.
The survey helped us understand how the community currently use Limestone Park, and receive feedback on the proposed improvement projects.
A snapshot of the findings can be seen below.
This feedback will help inform the detailed design of the proposed upgrades for Limestone Park which will be shared with the community.
How you shared
Planned Improvement Projects
A number of improvement projects for the park have been identified in council's capital expenditure program. Some projects are in the planning phase and others will commence the construction phase on confirmation of funding. The map below outlines the project.
- Blue icons represent new facilities
- Yellow icons represent upgrades to current facilities

Historical Highlights of Limestone Park
Some key historical highlights of Limestone Park.