Ipswich is currently one of the fastest growing cities in Australia and has consistently been one of the fastest in Queensland for decades.

It is important to make sure that as our city grows, the necessary trunk infrastructure is delivered where and when it is needed and achieves value for money for our community.

To make this happen, a new Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP 2024) has been prepared to form part of the proposed new planning scheme, Ipswich Plan 2024.

Public consultation on the draft LGIP 2024 ended on 25 July 2023.

A total of 35 submissions were received, including two (2) double up submissions with minor amendments proposed to address the matters raised.

This included eight (8) submissions directly raising concerns regarding impacts arising from industrial uses from the Redbank industrial area opposite Moggill, being a planning scheme matter. Matters relating to zoning and development controls were considered as part of the review of the Ipswich Plan 2024.

Some of the submissions also raised non-LGIP matters, including in relation to non-trunk roads and State controlled roads.

The remainder of the submissions related to specific sites or localities, with a small number of generalised submissions received. The submissions covered a wide range of matters, including regarding the planning assumptions, financial sustainability, the western growth corridor, Springfield, Swanbank, Ebenezer and other specific sites, and were received from individual landowners, peak bodies and developers.

All submissions were reviewed in detail, which included internal referral to relevant areas of council.

The second compliance check was completed on 24 November 2023, and council endorsed the LGIP 2024, with changes, for minister’s consideration on 7 December 2023.

A Public Submission Summary (as amended) has been prepared to provide a summary of the key points raised in each submission. The summary also details individual reviewer comments and outlines the proposed actions and action details.

The changes made in response to submissions are minor in nature and do not result in the proposed LGIP being significantly different to the version released for public consultation.

Council referred the LGIP 2024 to the State for Minister’s consideration on 11 December 2023.

The draft new planning scheme (Ipswich Plan) and draft LGIP is now in the adoption stage of the plan making process having received State Government approval to proceed to adoption, with conditions, on 14 February 2025.

Council officers will now review the Ministerial conditions and prepare an updated draft planning scheme for Council’s consideration to adopt at a future meeting. Further updates will be shared when available.


What is the purpose of an LGIP?

  • Integrates infrastructure planning with land use planning identified in the Ipswich Plan 2024
  • Outlines the intended provision of trunk infrastructure for Ipswich
  • Enables council to estimate the cost of trunk infrastructure to assist long-term financial planning
  • Ensures that trunk infrastructure is planned and provided in an efficient and orderly manner
  • Provides a basis for the conditioning of trunk infrastructure through development

What infrastructure will be included in the LGIP 2024?

  • Transport

    Roads, intersections, bridges, pathways, and bus stops

  • Parks

    Public parks and sporting facilities

  • Land for community facilities

    Land to accommodate community assets including libraries and community centres

Read more about the Ipswich Plan 2024

A new planning scheme is being developed to guide what goes where in Ipswich. The draft LGIP 2024 will form part of the Ipswich Plan 2024.

Fact sheets

Fact Sheets

Read the fact sheets to help understand the LGIP and how to make a submission. The public notification period is now closed.