Flooding is a reality of life in Ipswich. We know that flooding will happen again and is a natural part of the lifecycle of a river system. When it does happen, we want a city that is informed, ready and resilient.

Consequently, as part of the implementation of Council’s Ipswich Integrated Catchment Plan, we are investigating solutions for improving flood emergency preparedness, response and recovery in the suburbs of Karalee and Barellan Point via the Karalee Emergency Access Feasibility Study.

This study will be developed in general alignment with the Queensland Government State Guideline for Flood Evacuation Routes and incorporate targeted stakeholder engagement to help inform the study.

The first phase of engagement aimed to understand the community's experiences and needs regarding flood events and emergency accessibility in the suburbs of Karalee and Barellan Point. Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. A summary of what you shared can be seen below or you can read the full Phase 1 Community Engagement Report.

Council has used your feedback, in conjunction with technical assessments, to identify proposed solutions for the community. The results of these assessments were discussed at the Karalee Community Association meeting held on 30 October 2024, and the community were able to share feedback on five proposed solutions.

Thank you to everyone who shared their feedback. We are now working to finalise the recommendations of the project and develop the Feasibility Study report.

Phase 2 engagement

What you shared

The community was asked to provide feedback on five proposed solutions to address the challenges identified by the Karalee and Barellan Point communities during emergency events. See a summary of what you shared with us below, or read the full Phase 2 Community Engagement Report.

Community feedback

Respondents were generally supportive of all proposed solutions provided, with no solution completely discounted by the community.

Several comments identified the value of combining some of the proposed solutions to better address the different community needs during an emergency event.

Proposed solutions

Based on level of community support only, the proposed solution preference order is as follows:
  • Adapt existing facilities as an emergency shelter in an accessible location

    82% of respondents were supportive of this proposed solution.

  • Construct a new emergency access track through unformed road reserve between Quiberon Street and Riversleigh Court

    77% of respondents were supportive of this proposed solution.

  • Undertake community flood awareness, education and preparedness campaign

    64% of respondents were supportive of this proposed solution.

  • Raise Arthur Summervilles Road profile with bulk earthworks and culverts

    56% of respondents were supportive of this proposed solution.

  • Raise Junction Road profile with bulk earthworks and culverts

    55% of respondents were supportive of the proposed solution.

How you shared

Community engagement was undertaken between October 2024 and November 2024 and included:

  • Online engagement survey
  • Presentation at the Karalee Community Association meeting held on 30 October 2024

Online engagement activities can be seen below.

Engagement tools

The below engagement tools were used to capture community feedback.

The community was also invited to learn more about the Karalee Emergency Access Feasibility Study, with council staff sharing a short summary of the technical findings and next steps at the Karalee Community Association Meeting. All were welcome to attend.​
  • 30 October 2024

    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Location: Karalee State School Hall

Phase 1 engagement

What you shared

The community was asked to provide feedback on their firsthand experiences and insights on past flood events and future preparedness to help inform potential solution/s for emergency access to the Karalee and Barellan Point communities. See a summary of what you shared with us below, or read the full Phase 1 Community Engagement Report.

Past experiences

A number of residents reported challenges with access to/from Karalee and Barellan Point for emergency purposes (e.g. access to medical services and food supplies) during flood events, primarily due to road closures and poor road conditions. Frequent powe

Future opportunities

Key outcomes expected from the community included improving access to essential goods and resilience of essential services. When asked how key stakeholders could best contribute to improving the current situation, key themes identified included:
  • Road access

    Community members suggested the floodproofing of current roads, or the development of a new road.

  • Preparation

    Community members suggested developing a locally based emergency action plan, storage of emergency resources within households and continued community engagement to improve emergency preparedness.

  • Resources

    Community members suggested more onsite support, alternative transport, a designated emergency shelter, protection of power supplies and advocating for further funding to improve emergency resourcing.

  • Communications and information

    Community members suggested more advance notice for warnings, communication on what actions to take, increased number of communication channels used and ongoing education and awareness.

  • Flood impact mitigation

    Community members suggested the extension of sewerage services, improving drainage systems and stopping further development in floodplains to mitigate impacts of future flood events.

How you shared

Community engagement was undertaken between August 2024 and September 2024 and included:

  • Online engagement survey
  • Hard copy surveys available at community pop up stall on 9 September 2024
  • Presentation at the Karalee Community Association meeting held on 28 August 2024

Online engagement activities can be seen below.

Engagement tools

The below engagement tools were used to capture community feedback.

Share your feedback

Your insights will inform the study and help Ipswich City Council work towards improvements in your community.

The community was also invited to learn more about the Karalee Emergency Access Feasibility Study from council staff who presented at the Karalee Community Association Meeting.
  • Introduction of project

    Date: 28 August 2024

    Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

    Location: Karalee State School Hall

Are you prepared?

​In a disaster and emergency situation, have these resources on hand to stay informed and take action.