Project History

Ipswich, known traditionally in the Yagara language as Tulmur, has been home to Aboriginal people since before the beginnings of recorded European arrival. Aboriginal peoples owned, had sovereignty over and cultivated the lands, waters, flora and fauna of Ipswich.

The Indigenous Accord 2020 - 2025 is an agreement between Ipswich City Council and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities of Ipswich on how we will work together towards our common vision.

The Indigenous Soldiers Remembrance and Healing project focuses on Action 1.4.1 in the Indigenous Accord 2020 - 2025. This action item is the culmination of many years of engagement with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and with Indigenous service men and women, past, present and their descendants.

Thank you to those who provided feedback on the projects.

The feedback provided has shaped the concept design of the Queens Park Ceremonial, Healing and Remembrance Place, click here to view the concept designs.

The feedback provided has shaped the final design of The Indigenous Soldiers Memorial Plinths, click here to view the newly constructed plinths.

Project Sites

There are two elements to this project, with different locations and purposes.

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