Part A


The first round of engagement was undertaken in December 2022 - March 2023 and included:

  • Two Ipswich Community Panel Workshops
  • One workshop with the Councillor Working Group
  • Two workshops with the Technical Working Group
  • Meetings with Special Interest Group Representatives/Industry Bodies
  • Survey and mark the map activity on Shape your Ipswich
  • Ten ‘Talk to a Transport Planner’ Pop-Up Stalls

Technical investigations were also undertaken during this time.

These activities looked at a retrospective review of the iGO Transport Plan and current and future challenges and opportunities facing transport in Ipswich. To view a full summary of the engagement activities and outcomes click here.

Transport Opportunities and Challenges

These opportunities and challenges have been identified through the community feedback and technical work undertaken so far.

How you ranked your preferred transport corridor

The number one preference was a transport corridor similar to Singapore, 50% space for vehicles and 50% space for pedestrians. Here is how you ranked the choices.

How you ranked your preferred transport corridor

How you shared

Below are the community interactive activities that were completed in part A of the iGO Strategy Review between December 2022 to March 2023. These activities are now closed for consulation.

Part A - Visit us in person at the following locations

If you would like to chat with us in person, come and see us at the below community events and locations.

Part B


Part B of community engagement was undertaken in April - October 2023 to review the proposed vision and objectives of the iGO Ipswich Transport Strategy.

Engagement included:

  • One Ipswich Community Panel workshop
  • One workshop with the Technical Working Group
  • One workshop with the Councillor Working Group
  • Two surveys on Shape your Ipswich
  • Three 'Talk to a Transport Planner' Pop-Up Stalls
  • One meeting with the iGO Project Steering Group

A summary of the engagement has been outlined below. To view the detailed report, click here.


The draft vision underwent multiple updates to incorporate feedback provided by the community and other project stakeholders.

The key feedback themes were:

  • Make the vision statement less generic and increase relevance to Ipswich
  • Tangible outcomes for the Ipswich community needed
  • Improved public transport provision is required
  • Equity and inclusiveness should be a key consideration

Based on the feedback received, the current agreed vision to progress the project is:

See feedback provided and updates to the vision in the below image. Updates to the vision reflect feedback from each stakeholder group.


The draft objectives underwent updates to incorporate feedback provided by the community and other project stakeholders.

Key feedback themes included:

  • Improving the overall connectivity and convenience of the transport network
  • Safety is critical
  • Protecting the liveability of the community through more public and active transport
  • Agreement with the inclusion of sustainability objectives
  • Better alignment of Council spending and improved advocacy
  • Specific wording suggestions for objective statements

Based on all feedback, the final objectives can be seen here.

Updates to the objectives reflect feedback from each stakeholder group. See where we started and where we are now in the below image:

How you shared

The below engagement activities were used between April - October 2023 to gather community feedback for part B.

Part B - Visit us in person at the following locations

If you would like to chat with us in person, come and see us at the below community events and locations.