iFuture - online community conversations #2
Over the past 2 months, Council has been running a conversation with the community about our 20-year vision for Ipswich - your vision, our journey, Council’s plan: iFuture. The Mayor, Councillors, Council's Executive team and representative community members developed a draft 20-year community vision and strategic themes. The vision and themes will set the strategic direction for Council’s operations in the long and short term. And hundreds of community members have been answering an online survey.
Now it’s time to get talking. If you’ve got a great idea for Ipswich or want to take part in a conversation about the draft vision and themes for Ipswich, then you’re invited to take part.
We'll be discussing the draft vision and six themes and asking you
- What the draft vision themes mean to you
- How we can achieve the draft vision in the next 5, 10 and 20 years
The six vision themes are
- Active spaces
- History and culture
- Accessible community services
- Clean natural environment and open spaces
- Sense of community
- Strong modern economy