iFuture Corporate Plan 2021 - 2026

Thank you for helping to shape the iFuture Corporate Plan 2021 - 2026. Read the full plan or see a summary of the key themes below.

iFuture's themes

iFuture has been divided into four themes. Each theme includes a 20 year vision statement and our outcomes to achieve over the next five years, identified catalyst projects and key service areas that contribute to the achievement of the outcomes.

Theme 1 - Vibrant & Growing

In 2041 Ipswich has been Queensland’s fastest-growing city with South-East Queensland’s youngest population. We were well prepared for the growth while balancing positive social and environmental outcomes for our city. We are a city of centres, with activated places and spaces where we can enjoy creative pursuits and active recreation or relaxing time with our families or loved ones. We are connected by a safe, reliable and sustainable transport system. Our city has dedicated places for dining, and night-time entertainment. Our economy is thriving with businesses ranging from the bespoke and entrepreneurial to the international and established. We drive opportunities for prosperity and support businesses to meet consumer needs and deliver reliable and skilled jobs.

Our vibrant and growing outcomes for 2026

  • Our city’s design and development promote quality place making and liveability. Positive environmental, sustainable, inclusive, and cultural outcomes are sought. Our city is also well connected with active and public transport options.

  • Our city is active and healthy with a variety of activities, facilities and services on offer for all to take part.

  • Our strategic planning enables us to prepare and respond to the city’s rapid growth and expansion of infrastructure networks, and will be underpinned by an evidence based approach to determine community needs in meeting our growth.

  • Businesses and industry are supported with excellent customer service to start up, operate, grow and increase their resilience.

  • Ipswich is known as a sought after location for business, industry and visitors.

  • There is increased employment, and a variety of educational opportunities across the city, especially for young people.

  • Ipswich continues to be an affordable city to live in.

  • Our city centres are alive with dining and entertainment for people to engage in that’s open seven days a week and late at night.

Theme 2 - Safe, Inclusive & Creative

In 2041 we welcome, support, celebrate and include people from all backgrounds, cultures and abilities. We know that wherever we live, work or play we feel like we belong and we feel safe. It is easy to access the social and health services from a coordinated network that focuses on prevention and intervention where and when it’s needed. Our arts and culture scene is thriving and attracting locals and visitors to be a part of it.

Our safe, inclusive and creative outcomes for 2026

  • Our community feels safe.

  • Knowledge and learnings from our past are used to guide and be shared with future generations.

  • Our community lives together in harmony regardless of our backgrounds, cultures, abilities and religions.

  • Cultural landscapes, landmarks and practices are acknowledged, protected and respected.

  • Our historical buildings are conserved and enhanced.

  • The Ipswich brand is positive and inclusive.

  • Our community has access to the services they need particularly health and social services.

  • We are well prepared and ready to respond in times of emergencies and natural disasters and we are resilient in these times.

  • There are high levels of volunteering in the city.

  • We work alongside other agencies and groups in crime prevention and health promotion efforts for the community.

  • The community feels heard and engaged and we close the loop with our consultation.

  • We have a strong diverse arts scene for local and visiting artists that has created a strong creative economy.

Theme 3 - Natural & Sustainable

In 2041 We are proud of and enjoy our waterways, our bushland, our flora and fauna and our cultural landscapes. We are continuing our work towards a sustainable future that mitigates environmental impacts and adapts to a changing climate. We are known nationally for being clean, green and a city with a circular economy.

Our natural and sustainable outcomes for 2026

  • Ipswich is celebrated as a clean, green, circular economy city.

  • Our natural environment is interconnected across the city. It is managed to balance positive conservation and nature-based recreation outcomes including wildlife habitat protection.

  • Our waterway health is improved.

  • Our natural environment is managed to support the continuation of traditional cultural practices.

Theme 4 - A Trusted & Leading Organisation

In 2041 our community trusts the elected council and staff to make decisions that are transparent, accountable and are in the best interests of the current community and for generations to come. We are leaders in customer service, good governance, financial and risk management. The community and customer are at the centre of everything council does. We have an empowered, connected, resilient workforce and a culture that supports us to perform at our best.

Our outcomes for 2026 for a trusted and leading organisation

  • We are leaders in advocacy where we require support from Federal and State Governments. This includes city-shaping opportunities and needs such as major infrastructure, policy reform and services.

  • We provide outstanding customer service. We make it easier to interact with council online, through digital channels, in person and over the phone.

  • We are trusted by our community.

  • We are leaders in good governance.

  • We meet our State Government legislation, Local Law and compliance obligations and always strive to be leading practice.

  • We are transparent and evidence based in our planning, reporting and decision-making.

  • Our people, processes and technology are capable, efficient and integrated continuously improving and leading in practice.

  • We are financially sustainable.

  • Our people are valued, engaged, supported and empowered to deliver at their best.

  • Construction and maintenance of council’s assets are managed to meet the community’s needs and growth.

  • We support local businesses to be competitive in council procurement opportunities.

  • Our leaders at all levels of the organisation are capable, supported and are meeting expectations set out in our Leadership Charter.

You can help shape the iFuture vision every day

  • Support Ipswich businesses by buying locally, dining and attending local entertainment events and activities.

  • Choose active or public transport over private vehicle usage where possible.

  • Learn about and show respect for the diverse and unique culture and heritage within our city.

  • Celebrate diversity and embrace opportunities created through the different needs, values and cultures within our community.

  • Be part of decision-making by contributing to conversations through council’s community engagement online portals and events.

  • Get involved and support a local community group by volunteering your time and/or services.

  • Learn more about our natural environment by exploring our natural areas across the city.

  • Participate in conservation, restoration, revegetation, habitat enhancement and fire management on your private property.

  • Choose more sustainable goods when making purchases and maximise the value of the resources you use by repurposing wherever possible.

  • Participate in minimising waste sent to landfill by reducing food waste and donating quality goods to charities.

  • Learn how to minimise contamination in your recycle bin and understand what items can be recycled through the services provided by council.

  • Where possible work from home or in a local hub to reduce your impact on the transport network.

  • Choose sustainable building designs that suit the local character of your neighbourhood.

  • Get to know the range of facilities and services available in your local neighbourhood including what sports and recreation are being offered.

  • Plan a staycation to discover the hidden treasures and great adventures available in the Ipswich area.

  • Invite your friends and family from outside of Ipswich to come and experience all that Ipswich has to offer.

  • Businesses can invest locally, create local supply chains and employ local residents.

  • Participate in and support local networks, events and festivals.

  • Familiarise yourself with the Ipswich City Council Disaster Management Plan and how to prepare, respond and recover from a disaster.

  • Select digital and paperless service options where available to increase the efficiency of service delivery (and reduce our impact on the environment).

  • Provide timely and constructive feedback to help us improve the way we work.

  • Be respectful when interacting with our people. We are here to help and want to achieve good outcomes for the community.