
iFuture is council’s leading strategic plan. It guides all decisions and actions that council undertakes, and acts as a five year roadmap which aligns to the city's 20-year vision, "Ipswich, a city of opportunity for all. Join us.".

iFuture is built on what the community said matters to them, with over 2,000 diverse voices sharing how they want Ipswich to look and feel like by the year 2041.

Council is now operating under iFuture and will undertake check-ins with the community to ensure we are on track to achieve the vision for Ipswich. Our first check-in was undertaken as a perception survey, providing insights into life in Ipswich and how council is performing. We are now conducting a second check-in to see how we can work together to progress towards realising our city's vision.

Share your feedback using the engagement tools below!

How you shared and what you told us so far