FOGO Review Survey

Feedback from 80 households within the trial area informed the review survey about your use of the FOGO bin and your ideas to make it easier for your household to use. These learnings have been used to help introduce FOGO to the rest of Ipswich City.
  • Most participants are using the FOGO bin for part or all of their food waste

  • 79% agreed or strongly agreed that FOGO is an important action that we can all take to reduce our environmental footprint

  • Managing contamination rates for proper processing of materials

    • Bellbird Park is at 24%
    • Raceview is at 17%

    Contamination rates reduced as the trial progressed.

  • When FOGO bin collection changed from weekly to fortnightly, FOGO bins were full or half full and a few were overflowing.

FOGO Trial Final Report

Thank you for your contributions in the trial. Your efforts during the trial and after, contribute to increasing waste diversion from landfill, improving recycling rates and generating a high quality compost while significantly reducing landfill disposal costs and community rates.
  • 82 tonnes of organic material have been diverted from landfill

  • Participation rates:

    • Bellbird Park is at 50%
    • Raceview is at 59%
  • Managing contamination rates for proper processing of materials:

    • Bellbird Park is at 31%
    • Raceview is at 21%

    This is the most challenging part of the trial as high contamination rates can result in FOGO loads being rejected by the recycler or increased costs which get passed on to the community.

  • Bin tags were provided to customers to help assist in reducing contamination rates.

    • 2,642 tags were issued which included 803 contamination tags
    • Contamination items consisted of plastic bags, packaging and containers with organic material inside

FOGO Trial Progress Report: March - May 2022

  • 82 tonnes of organic waste diverted from landfill

  • Participation rates increased:

    • Bellbird Park is at 48%
    • Raceview is at 67%
  • Managing contamination rates for proper processing of materials:

    • Bellbird Park is at 32%
    • Raceview is at 18%
  • In both suburbs, some households were "top performers" and did not contaminate the FOGO bin at all throughout the tagging period.

Feedback you shared during the first half of the trial

102 responses were received for the second quarterly survey completed in February 2022.
Approximately 150 pre-trial FOGO surveys were completed in late 2021. Here is what you told us: