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Join us to shape the future of Ipswich

Council is looking for people from all walks of life to share their thoughts on topics that matter to them.


Who can be on the Community Panel?

You don't need to have any special knowledge about Council to join, just an interest in sharing your views and being a voice for your community.

Anyone aged over 16 and who lives, works, studies, owns a business in Ipswich or is an Ipswich rate payer is invited to register.

We want the panel to be a forum that reflects the diversity of Ipswich. People from all walks of life and backgrounds are encouraged to register.

Please note, elected representatives from any level of government, paid employees of any political party and Ipswich City Council employees cannot join. This is about you, the community.


What will the Community Panel talk about?

The panel will discuss strategic issues and projects linked to council's corporate plan, iFuture. iFuture was developed in consultation with the community throughout 2019 and 2020, and reflects the community's aspirations for the city.

The panel will convene on projects as and when needed. Key projects are below but there is more we will talk about. You can be involved in the projects that interest you the most by selecting your categories of interest when you register.


Why should I get involved?

You'll have the opportunity to provide your local knowledge and contribute to a number of important decisions. Our elected representatives will consider your feedback when making final decisions.

You'll work with others to learn more about your local community and how council will work with you to make Ipswich the best it can be.

You can opt out of the panel at any time.

Please note, there will still be opportunities for community members not registered on the community panel to participate in other engagement opportunities.


How does the Community Panel work?

What is involved in being a community panel member?

You can register for the community panel here, at Shape Your Ipswich. You will be asked to provide some personal information to complete your registration.

Members will be invited to join a panel on strategic topics as and when needed, based on the quarterly community engagement calendar. The panel will not have regular meetings but will convene on an "as needed" basis.

Engagement activities will be varied and be offered both online and face-to-face. This could include activities like webinars, surveys, focus groups, online polls, deliberative processes, workshops or interviews.

At times, Council may randomly select individuals to participate in forums where numbers are limited. Where possible, we will aim to select a group of people who represent the diversity of the Ipswich community.

You can be involved as much or as little as you would like and all participation is voluntary.

Topics discussed by a panel may include (but are not limited to):

  • Animals
  • Arts, Culture and Heritage
  • Business and Economy
  • City Design and Planning
  • Community
  • Disaster Management
  • Environment, Sustainability & Climate Change
  • Governance
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Indigenous
  • Parks and recreation
  • Sport
  • Transport and movement
  • Tourism
  • Resource Recovery

You can find out more about what topics are covered under each category here.

Council will provide regular updates to members and the wider community on projects. You can also "follow" certain projects on Shape Your Ipswich to stay up to date. Click on the "Follow" button in the heading on the specific project page.

We encourage community to be open and honest when you attend an engagement event.

Whilst discussing problems is important, the focus of the panel will be to create collective solutions to projects and topics that will shape the future of Ipswich.

Members are encouraged to represent the wider views of their community rather than personal issues.

Members can opt out of the panel at any time by contacting the community engagement team at council via email,

What support does council provide for members?

Support will be provided to ensure that all panel members can participate. If you need information in another language, vision aids or any other support we will work with you to provide this. Please contact us via email, or phone, (07) 3810 6666 to discuss your specific requirements.

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about the community panel? Contact us below:

Contact Information
Name Community Engagement Team
Phone (07) 3810 6666
In writing

PO Box 191

Ipswich QLD 4305


Ipswich City Council respectfully acknowledges the Traditional Owners, the Jagera, Yuggera and Ugarapul People of the Yugara/Yagara Language Group, as custodians of the land and waters we share. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present, as the keepers of the traditions, customs, cultures and stories of proud peoples.

Phone: (07) 3810 6666


Postal: PO Box 191, Ipswich QLD 4305, Australia