About the Project

The Active Ipswich Strategy 2031 (branded ‘AIS2031’) is council’s commitment to improving health and wellbeing by creating a more active city. AIS2031 is council’s ten year (2021–2031) strategy to improve participation in, and increasing opportunities for, physical activity in Ipswich. This strategy provides council with clear and focussed strategic direction, meaningful goals and targeted actions for the planning, management and provision of open space land, infrastructure and recreational services and programs in response to the growth and demands of Ipswich and its community.

The development of this strategy has considered:

  • the community’s current and future participation and preferences in physical activity
  • how the community use and access public open space
  • barriers and motivation to participation
  • community health issues related to physical activity
  • how council is able to best respond to this range of issues.

In recognition of the importance of the AIS2031, it is identified as a ‘catalyst project’ in council’s Corporate Plan – iFuture. Council is committed to a more coordinated and strategic approach to community places and green spaces. This targeted planning and investment will help maximise access and participation in physical activity.

Summary of engagement findings

We engaged with over 1000 people from the community in 2020 and 2021 as part of the Ipswich Physical Activity Trends Study and the Active Ipswich Strategy consultation. Here is a summary of what you told us.
What the community told us

Next Steps

Framework for a more active city

To meet the commitment of a more active city by 2031, a strategic and multi-faceted approach is required. The AIS2031 identifies a framework to achieve this and enhance physical activity in Ipswich. The framework can be seen below.

Ipswich Councils Active Ipswich Strategy

Four focus elements have been identified to channel and prioritise council’s efforts over the next 10 years.

The table below outlines what is involved with achieving the four focus elements of the strategy.

Focus Elements

Becoming a more active city

The AIS2031 outlines a number of projects and plans which will assist in making Ipswich a more active city. More information on the progress of these projects and plans is below.