Thank you for your input into the criteria used to identify and rank site locations and location suggestions for consideration.

What you shared

The location of the future Western Resource Recovery Centre has not been decided.

We asked for your input into the site selection process via a submission form during August 2023.

The form had four parts:

  • Part A. Suggest additional site selection criteria used to identify a pool of potential sites (in addition to the 6 necessary criteria that a potential site must meet to be considered a viable location for this type of infrastructure).
  • Part B. Suggest potential site locations within the Western region that meet the 6 necessary site selection criteria.
  • Part C. Provide input into how the 4 site ranking criteria used to identify a preferred site are 'weighted' (i.e. ordered in terms of importance).
  • Part D. Provide your name, email, phone number and suburb so council can provide feedback on how community submissions informed the site selection process.

See a snapshot below of what you told us:

  • Site criteria

    54% agreed with the proposed site criteria.

    39% suggested other criteria for consideration.

  • Site location

    13 unique locations were submitted by the community

    Each of these sites will be assessed to see whether the meet the selection and ranking criteria.

    A shortlist will then be shared with the community for further consultation.

  • Site priorities

    The proposed site criteria was ranked by the community in the following order of importance:

    1. Environment
    2. Planning
    3. Technical
    4. Financial

How you shared

Ask Anna in person

Phone or email to book a 15-minute appointment with Anna, our Resource Recovery Infrastructure Coordinator, during one of our Q&A sessions at the Rosewood Library.

Phone: (07) 3810 6666

Q&A sessions:

Saturday 5 August 2023
9.00 am - 12.00 pm

Monday 7 August
10.30 am - 2.30 pm

Have a question about the site selection process or how to make a submission?

  • Contact the Resource Recovery team on 3810 6666 or email